Have you ever had the frustration of purchasing a Domain for your business, only to find out someone else has the SAME USER NAME on your favorite social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

The Dark Days of guessing what to name your business are over!

To increase the ability of your brand to send social signals around the web and get your brand ranked in the search engines, you are going to want to try and standardize all of your usernames.

For example:

Let’s say you want to purchase a domain called “ilovecats.com“.

You would want to make sure to then claim all of your social media profiles with the same name, if possible.  For example:


By using the free tool of Namechk.com, you can research the usernames on all of the social platforms BEFORE you purchase the domain and build a brand.

This 15-minute video shows you how to research the brand name before you purchase.

To download your free PDF of resources mentioned in the video, CLICK HERE.

I look forward to talking to you about your brand soon!

Online Sales Funnel Academy


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